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  باطری های جریانی ( Flow Batteries )

با سلام من با عنوان این موضوع در انجمن دیگر به نتیجه نرسیدم حال باتوجه به این که یا موضوع متناسب با انجمن شیمی می باشد لطفا من را راهنمای کنید و نظرات خودتو را در این با ره ارایه کنید .

Flow Batteries این نوع باطری ها دارای ساختاری شبیه به باطری های اسیدی می باشد اما تفاوت آن با باطری های سربی اسیدی معمولی این است که ماده ی الکترولیت در مخزنی خارجی نگه داری می شود و توسط پمپی درون سیلندرهای الکترودها جاری می شود . این نوع باطری ها بسیار پرقدرت از لحاظ جریان دهی می باشدند و توان جریان دهی آنها یا حجم مخزن الکترولیت رابطه ی مستقیم دارد .

متن انگیلسی ساده و روانی را در این باره پیوند می کنم به راحتی می توانید متوجه شوید

Batteries are the most common device used for storing electrical energy.
Advanced Batteries
Advanced battery technologies include lithium-ion, lithium polymer, nickel metal hydride, and sodium sulfur types. Advanced batteries offer much smaller "footprints" (i.e., they take up less space) than lead-acid batteries. They are typically CURRENTLY too expensive for large-scale utility applications, but are used for power quality and backup purposes at manufacturing plants. They are also used in consumer goods and automobiles. Lithium-ion batteries in laptop computers, for example, can provide twice as much operating time as conventional batteries. Sodium sulfur batteries can operate at high temperatures, and have proven safe even under extreme conditions.
Flow Batteries
Flow batteries work in a similar fashion to lead-acid batteries, but the electrolyte is stored in external containers and circulated through the battery cell stack as required. This external reservoir of rechargeable electrolyte can be as large as needed, and situated where convenient. Some flow batteries use two different kinds of electrolyte that are stored separately.
The great advantage to flow batteries is that their electrical storage capacity is limited only BY the capacity of the electrolyte storage reservoirs. They provide very high power and very high capacity batteries for load-leveling applications on the electricity grid. Zinc-bromine flow batteries are the most common type in use in the United States.
Lead-Acid Batteries
Lead-acid batteries are the most common type of battery. They are used in automobiles, and by both utilities and electricity consumers as a backup energy source for critical electricity needs.
The traditional lead-acid battery is made up of plates, lead, and lead oxide immersed in a solution consisting of 35% sulfuric acid and 65% water. This solution is called "electrolyte," and causes a chemical reaction that produces electrons. Various other elements are also used to change the density, hardness, and porosity of the plates. @@

البته این یک موضوع خیلی کلی درباره باطری ها هست ولی چون امکان ارسال عکس ندارم کلی از حرف ها ناگفته باقی می مونه که باید خودتون زحمتشو بکشید .

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